Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Obesity review

Obesity is a chronic disorder that disturbed tens of millions of Americans. Caused by a dynamic variety of factors, obesity is a main risk factor for high blood pressure, serious health problems, stroke, including coronary heart disease (CHD), diabetes and certain forms of cancer.

Genes – Research show that obesity runs in families. If one or both of your parents are obese, your obesity matter is higher since genes determine your body shape and, to some extent, your weight.

Fatty foods - Big Macs, French fries, Hot dogs, macaroni and nachos, potato chips, cheese, ice cream – among these high-fat American favorites are cheap, easy available and delicious.

Lifestyle - Likewise, the risk is greater for people whose fat intake creates up more than 30 percent of their daily calories.

Metabolic rate - If your metabolism begins to be slow, you are more likely to store excess calories in the form of fat. A slow metabolism means you probably need to work harder at losing weight. However, your efforts may ultimately increase your metabolic rate. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest. So reducing fat and building muscle through weight-bearing exercise can help you burn calories more efficiently.


Some people overeat (binge) when they feel stressed out or depressed. Research shows that about 30 percent of obese people are binge eaters. According to psychotherapist Shelia Harbet, Ph.D., binge eating temporarily relieves the stress of negative feelings. Unfortunately, binging is usually followed by feelings of guilt, shame, disgust and depression.

“Often, binge-eating episodes are followed by resolutions by the compulsive overeater to stop bingeing and adhere to diets,” says Harbet, a professor in the department of health sciences at California State University, Northridge. “These resolutions are eventually broken, filling compulsive eaters with guilt and depression, leading them back to binge eating again.”


Many supplements are on the market for weight loss. These are often a mixture of different substances and herbal extracts. Most of them contain stimulants such as ephedrine (Ma Huang extract), in addition to chromium salts (often chromium picolinate), and sometimes a substance called hydrocyctric acid (HCA- from Garcinia cambogia). The stimulants work in a manner similar to Dexatrim® and there is much debate over whether chromium picolinate or HCA work at all. To date, no published studies have supported their use in weight reduction, and unpublished studies that have shown benefits in weight reduction were mostly done by their manufacturers. Chitosan is another common supplement that is derived from shellfish. It is said to bind fats and increase their elimination in the stool. Individuals taking this supplement may wish to consider supplements of vitamin A, D and E.

The best advice is to avoid weight loss supplements, which generally do not work and may be dangerous. The Food and Drug Administration banned the sale of dietary supplements containing ephedra (ephedrine alkaloids) because of their harmful cardiovascular effects, including increased blood pressure, stroke and irregular heart rhythm. About 100 deaths have been reported.

Many supplements should not be used by people with certain medical problems or pregnant and nursing women, and some may interact with medications. Tell your doctor about any supplements you are taking. Chitosan should not be taken by anyone with a shellfish allergy. While some people may feel more comfortable with “natural” products as opposed to prescription drugs, keep in mind that the 1994 Dietary Health Supplement Education Act states that herbal products do not have to be proven safe and effective to be sold. Additionally, patents can be issued for these products without proof of their claims of health benefits. The best course is to exercise and watch your calorie intake.

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